AuthorLiya DominicRatingYields1 ServingQuarter (0.25 Servings)Half (0.5 Servings)Default (1 Serving)Double (2 Servings)Triple (3 Servings) Rice Flour Grated Coconut Salt to TasteSouth Indian Breakfast Puttu | Steam CakeCategoryBreakfastIngredients Rice Flour Grated Coconut Salt to TasteDirectionsSouth Indian Breakfast Puttu | Steam CakeIngredientsDirectionsOne CommentLoved reading every word here. I am a big fan of South Indian food and i keep looking for new place to eat South Indian food in Delhi :). You haven’t mentioned tomato rice though it mayn’t be everyone’s favourite.ReplyLeave a Reply to GAURAV BISHT Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Loved reading every word here. I am a big fan of South Indian food and i keep looking for new place to eat South Indian food in Delhi :). You haven’t mentioned tomato rice though it mayn’t be everyone’s favourite.Reply
Loved reading every word here. I am a big fan of South Indian food and i keep looking for new place to eat South Indian food in Delhi :). You haven’t mentioned tomato rice though it mayn’t be everyone’s favourite.